Transcript -
33 min read
3 min read
Why Byte Academy?
By Vivek J on Dec 15, 2020 4:05:46 AM
There are a wide variety of options due to the vast range of educational systems, institutions, and virtual platforms around the world. Choosing one's career is often a dilemma as there are nested options within any chosen career path.
7 min read
Prime Interview
By Greg Funchess on Sep 30, 2020 9:42:28 PM
In this post we'll go over a potential technical interview problem.
6 min read
Python for Web Development
By Byte on Sep 22, 2020 4:14:23 AM
Python came into existence in the late 80’s, which was influenced by the programming languages such as Modula-3 and ABC. Since the first release in 1991 to becoming an open source programming language, Python has evolved through the times and has gained immense popularity among the programmers to this day. Python is powerful, yet simple and easy to learn. With an abundant support of libraries, Python is the most accepted preferred programming language. The rapid growth and utilization of Python as a programming language to various fields of work has seen an increase in the number of job prospects as a python developer, marking a wide range of field of interest for every individual.
6 min read
4 min read
Applications of Python in Data Science
By Byte on Sep 18, 2020 6:44:20 AM
Data Science is the hottest job of this century and companies irrespective of the domain they work on are expanding their business to support analytics and make meaning insights from the data. Data has become an asset to every organization wherein it helps in taking business decisions and helps in the growth of the organization.
4 min read
Getting started with Django - A Beginner's Guide
By Byte on Sep 18, 2020 4:07:56 AM
Are you interested in developing website but confused where to start with? Then this article is for you. There are a lot many web development frameworks available to start with, Django is the rapid wed development framework preferred by most of the web developers and it is also been used by many companies customized for their independent projects.
3 min read
Data Analyst vs Data Scientist
By Byte on Aug 20, 2020 8:27:22 AM
Data Analyst and Data Scientist are the hottest careers in the big data world. Most of the budding data aspirants think that Data Scientist is a jargon used for Data Analysts.
2 min read
Why use Stellar over Ethereum for Payments
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 1:36:24 PM
Recently edChain, one of the first distributed networks for education, switched from ethereum to Stellar for payments on its content distribution platform. Ethereum, the most popular blockchain for payments, with thousands upon thousands of transactions occurring per day, has run into problems, due to its popularity, particularly high cost, which is the prime reason edChain made the switch.
2 min read
Preparing For Finovate: The Largest FinTech Conference in the World
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 1:34:44 PM
Byte Academy is heading to London to provide exclusive coverage of Finovate Europe. The conference is one of the largest, if not the largest, FinTech conference in the world with more than 1500 attendees - VCs, Founders, Developers, and C- Level Executives - from all over the world. It is perhaps only eclipsed by Finovate Fall in New York City, the conference's original venue
So how to best prepare for our venture abroad especially when it’s to a cosmopolitan, FinTech center like London? This is a semi-shopaholic wannabe jet-setter's guide who soon realized that many companies demoing would provide solutions for travel details and making payments.
1 min read
The Rise of the New FinTech Middle Man
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 1:34:29 PM
As large banks embrace FinTech start-ups and their advanced technology rather than compete against them, both parties aim to eliminate the “middle man” in financial services transactions. This “middle man” is a metaphor for the different steps of customer interaction that technology has removed to make banking more efficient. However, in the hyper-speed environment from which bank - start-up integrations emerge, a new middle man - between these parties has become necessary.
2 min read
InsurTech + Girl Power Hit Webster Hall For FinTech Startup Conference
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 1:34:20 PM
Empire Startups, a thriving startup FinTech community, held it’s annual FinTech Conference on Tuesday, April 26 at concert venue Webster Hall. The sold-out audience of 560 attendees consisted of early stage startups and larger companies in roughly equal proportion.
3 min read
Data Science vs Machine Learning - Exploring the two paradigms
By Kiran Datar on Aug 17, 2020 1:34:10 PM
Data Science is the coveted new career around the block but not many can define the exact role of a data scientist. Being a relatively new field of work with people signing up for the role from different backgrounds, data science as a discipline requires a very broad skill set. Data mining, data analysis, machine learning, business analysis, data visualization, A/B testing are some of the skills a data scientist should have.
3 min read
Top 3 Ways Data Analytics Can Reduce Costs In Healthcare and Medicine
By Sejal Gupta on Aug 17, 2020 1:34:00 PM
1 min read
Career Transition: Data Scientist Q&A
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 1:33:51 PM
At Byte Academy, we teach a variety of courses within the field of Data Science. From our full-time immersive to our mini-courses in topics like Machine Learning and Data Visualization, we're consistently asked about what a career transition into Data Science looks like. To provide some guidance to our prospective students and blog readers, we've asked our own Data Scientist, Lesley Cordero, for her own perspective on frequently asked questions.
5 min read
Top 10 Datasets for Deep Learning
By Manavika Phukan on Aug 17, 2020 1:33:34 PM
The strength and robustness of a machine learning algorithm often lies in the quality of the dataset used to train it. Therefore, it would suffice to say that to gain true mastery within these fields, it is imperative that a person gains experience over a variety of machine learning problems that deal with a variety of datasets - ranging from image processing to speech recognition.
5 min read
The Worst Kind of Data: Missing Data
By Uday Keith on Aug 17, 2020 1:33:23 PM
Most publicly available datasets or datasets at the workplace are complete. However, from time to time we encounter datasets where some or many entries are missing. The problem of missing data exists on a spectrum; only a few entries missing among millions is virtually negligible, however, upwards of 10% of missing data can be crippling.
The exact problem of missing data contains multiple layers, so let us proceed to peel it like the onion it is. At its most basic, enough missing data may skew the distribution(s) the data follows.
3 min read
The Music Industry is Rapping to Data Science
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 1:33:13 PM
From the Beatles to Taylor Swift, everyone's music is available digitally now. People used to think technology is killing the music industry, but it's technology which is reviving it. So for musicians who are also interested in programming, data science is one way to get onboard with the idea. Spotify and Pandora know just the right track to play next thanks to data science. Wondering which song did well and why, look no further, the answer is in data science.
Pandora was perhaps the frontrunner of combining the two when it started the 'Music Genome Project' way back in 1999 before terms like Big Data even existed. The project considers songs as datasets and analyzes each song using up to 450 distinct musical characteristics or “genes”. A person – a trained music analyst with an actual degree in music – and automated algorithms comb through the song and classify it as Pop/Rock, Hip-Hop/Electronica, Jazz, World Music, and Classical. Decoding the “genes” of the song helps Pandora find the similarities and then successfully predict what a user might like listening to next.
5 min read
The Beautiful Binomial Logistic Regression
By Uday Keith on Aug 17, 2020 1:32:57 PM
The Logistic Regression is an important classification model to understand in all its complexity. There are a few reasons to consider it:
1 min read
The 16 FinTech Unicorns Only Do Three Things
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 1:32:45 PM
Will this breakdown remain, or will the market get too heavy in those sectors and even out?
2 min read
The 5 Must Read Books For Every Data Scientist
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:57:55 AM
1 min read
Breakdown Of Roles in Data Science (aka 'Big Data')
By Ryan Swanstrom on Aug 17, 2020 5:57:03 AM
We love these infographics from DataCamp which compare some of the many job titles in data science, the "sexiest" of the career of the 21st century according to Harvard Business Review. The infographics lay out the roles and skills needed for the following job titles:
4 min read
Why I Took Time Off From Banking To Learn Code
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:56:52 AM
Meet Josh Panknin, a banker in his mid 30's who took time off from Deutsche Bank in order to study at Byte Academy, the first ever FinTech coding bootcamp and perhaps still the only in the world. Here, Josh explains why he took a break from Wall Street, the effects of technology and big data on finance, and, what learning to code is like when you don't want to be a programmer. He also gives advice to those who may want to follow in his footsteps.
3 min read
4 Big Ways Data Science is Transforming the FinTech Industry
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:56:07 AM
The financial industry is no stranger to the power of technology. After all, it has developed its own legion of Quants who use advanced quantitative analysis and programming techniques to exploit big opportunities in the capital markets. Despite being highly regulated, the FinTech industry is booming with the entry of smaller startups looking to disrupt the space with the latest technologies, with data science being at the topmost of the list.
2 min read
Startup Lesson: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:55:58 AM
FinTech startup VendorMach provided lessons in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data on the Byte campus recently. Topics covered by Chaney Ojinnaka, CEO, and Ivan Kotorov, VP, Enterprise, included: KYC (Know Your Customer), supply chain, trust scoring and programming languages. They explained why they chose Python over Ruby for their product. Python's ability to analyze numbers and frameworks are key (as a Python school we're thrilled:). VendorMach also discussed FinTech cultural attitudes in London (original headquarters) and New York City (second office location). By the end of the event the audience felt much much comfortable with "hot" technology buzzwords including artificial intelligence, machine learning, supply chain and more.
3 min read
Implementing Machine Learning Models in JavaScript - TensorFlow
By Manavika Phukan on Aug 17, 2020 5:55:46 AM
Web developers, rejoice! If you’ve been looking for a way to make a foray into the world of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, your learning curve has gotten that much more gentle with the introduction of the TensorFlow library in JavaScript.
4 min read
Blockchain For Dummies: A Beginner's Guide
By Hannah Augur on Aug 17, 2020 5:43:53 AM
Blockchain: the single most confusing term since Bitcoin. Everyone has a vague idea of what it does. It’s either the ultimate evolution of financial technologies, or a silly fad that can be summed up in the disconcerting phrase: “dogechain.” In reality, major companies around the world have already shown favor to the burgeoning money exchange system and it may become harder and harder to stay away from the financial dark art.
In reality, it is all relatively easy to understand. The Blockchain is a public ledger where transactions are recorded and confirmed anonymously. It’s a record of events that is shared between many parties. More importantly, once information is entered, it cannot be altered. So, if the blockchain is the public record, what is being recorded? What are all of these “transactions”?
1 min read
Django Resources From A Founder and CTO
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:43:35 AM
Will Plaehn, founder and CTO of Last Mile Retail, a retail marketing platform, recently visited Byte Academy as a guest speaker for our Entrepreneur Series. He also gave a workshop on Django, a Python framework while here. Read some of his favorite resources that he shared and referenced in his talk (thanks Will!)...
2 min read
About Natural Language Processing
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:43:26 AM
Natural Language Processing or NLP for short is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human natural language. It's a relatively new field and a "hot" area in technology today. Read some more about it from our Data Science instructor, Lesley Cordero. Byte Academy offers a Natural Language Processing mini-course for those who would like to study this area.
3 min read
1 min read
Instructor Insight: Coding Tips for Beginners
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:42:30 AM
Jason Ng just joined our team as a Full-Stack instructor and code guru, and, has some tips for the noobs. A former instructor at General Assembly, Jason has a wealth of teaching experience. On a side note, he also enjoys moonlight walks on the beach and candlelight dinners.
Coming from a voice of experience who has dealt with plenty of beginner coders, here are Jason's Top Tips for when you start coding:
7 min read
Django - A Python Web Framework for Perfectionists with Deadlines
By lakshmi b on Aug 17, 2020 5:42:12 AM
Django is a free and open-source collection of libraries written in Python, which follows the model-view-template-controller (MVTC) architectural pattern. It is one of the most popular server-side web frameworks with the motto being ‘Don’t Repeat Yourself’. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), an independent non-profit organization.
3 min read
Top Ten Reasons Python Programming Language Rules The Finance Industry
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:42:03 AM
No longer just for programmers, analysts, researchers, and managers are now learning python programming as well.
1 min read
Finovate Video Footage - Just In!
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:41:50 AM
For those who may have missed Finovate two weeks ago, rough cut videos of each presentation have just been published to the Finovate site. Watch demos online to see the latest from companies on the forefront on FinTech technology.
2 min read
Blockchain is A Girl’s Best Friend
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:41:29 AM
De Beers, the world’s biggest diamond producer, has tracked its first diamonds all the way from the mine to the jewelry producer using blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin. It is even planning to launch a platform for other diamond retailers later this year which uses blockchain to track a diamond through the entire value chain. Known as Tracr, the program gives each stone a unique ID that stores diamond characteristics such as weight, color and clarity.
2 min read
3 Fundamental Principles of Redux
By Tenzin on Aug 17, 2020 5:41:20 AM
Redux: It is a library for managing states that follow the principles of the flux architecture & is an independent framework, but for the sake of brevity, we'll assume that we are using it with React.
2 min read
5 min read
Why is Python and Full Stack Development considered as a Promising Career?
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:40:07 AM
Top Reasons to Learn Python
7 min read
How To Build a Keyword Dictionary using Python
By Abdul Majed Raja on Aug 17, 2020 5:38:06 AM
What is a Keywords Dictionary?
A Keywords Dictionary is a set of words put together based on a common theme. Consider this example, you are managing a bank and you want to improve your customer service. You give your customers a feedback form? For you to make sense of what your customers complaint or talk about, you need to have a list of keywords that are related to the business and this is where the need to have a Keywords Dictionary comes in.
1 min read
Our Students' and Team's Video Debut!
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:36:19 AM
Our student and instructor videos have debuted (the Academy is already preparing their Oscar nominations)...
3 min read
Our Top 5 Blockchain Books
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:35:59 AM
With increased interest in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there is also increasing interest in the underlying technology, i.e. blockchain. While Financial Technology (FinTech) companies were the first ones to notice the potential of blockchain outside of cryptocurrencies, now more and more businesses are exploring the technology. For e.g.
1 min read
Just In Time For The Elections: PolitiPic Student Final Project
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:35:51 AM
Can voter preferences be predicted by facial features?
This was what the Gordon cohort explored in their final project - Politics of the Face presented at their graduation April 8. One of the team members, a political science major, was inspired by his involvement in political campaigns before attending bootcamp for twelve weeks. Now, his experience at Byte Academy will help him master his political passion. Politics of Face maybe able to save candidates and pollsters time, money and more. If you missed the presentation, see their slides here.
4 min read
5 min read
Why I Learned How to Code and You Should Too
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:32:01 AM
“I want to lose 10 lbs before summer.”
“I want to read a book a week.”
“I will eat more fruits.”
“I will give up smoking.”
“I will be more organized.”
“I want a bikini-bod this year.”
We all make New Year resolutions but they tend to be personal. Many don't last more than a month, so when we reconsider how to self-improve, why not do something relevant, achievable and, new - like learning a very important skill in this digital age: coding.
It’s common to look at a website and wonder how it was made or look at a mobile app and think, “Hey that's pretty neat!” or, “that was so useful but I wonder if it could also do that...” Even marveling at technological innovations, we distance ourselves from them if we don't know the basics in order to understand what's happening behind the interface.
The world of 1’s and 0’s was hostile territory to me, sanitized by a set of rules. Studying Arts, coding and I were like oil and water. I could not relate to my friends struggling to learn C++. Once in grad school, I took a compulsory coding workshop. It wasn't like swallowing the red pill, but when I saw my sample Web page from the lines of code I had sweated over, everything seemed to make sense in the former unknown universe. At an age where I felt the world was out of my control, coding was something that I could do by myself. If something didn't work, I could mend it. The power to build websites and databases could be mine...
4 min read
Valentine’s Day Special: How To Date A Programmer
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:30:46 AM
This special piece is written by one of our team members who took the jump into dating a programmer before she had experience in tech, a few years back (while he picked up Python, she picked up Mandarin.)
When we went on our first date, he turned up with a backpack. In his defense, we did meet on a workday. I knew he was studying Computer Science at New York University, I knew a lot of programmers. It's hard to be an Indian and not have any programmers in the family.
5 min read
How to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Safe
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:21:59 AM
Throughout the history of cryptocurrencies, there have been several instances of cryptocurrency exchange hacks. Perhaps you may have even heard of some, such as the infamous Mt. Gox (which is actually an acronym for Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange). We intend to take a look at some of the prominent incidents, identify common patterns, and offer best practices for cryptocurrency traders.
2 min read
The Bright Side Of The Labor Market: Coding
By sarah m on Aug 17, 2020 5:20:54 AM
At first glance, the labor market looks dour for many Millennials and Generation Z. In a 2015 report by McKinsey, the International Labour Organization estimates that 73.4 million people aged 15-24 are jobless. At the same time there seem to be job vacancies, particularly in tech:
2 min read
Blockchain is passé (It’s All About DLT)
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:20:06 AM
The SEC and Goldman Sachs have recently tackled the over-and often misleading-usage of the word “blockchain.” To remedy this perhaps, companies are banning the use of the word “blockchain,” instead using the term “Digital Ledger Technology,” or, DLT for short?
4 min read
10 Data Science Podcasts You Should Be Listening To Right Now
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:18:57 AM
Podcasts have got to be everybody’s favorite mode of consuming knowledge. They pack a lot of information in a single show, provide you with a fun conversational tone for all topics and are absolutely perfect for those boring, long commutes. Listening to Data Science podcasts is a great way to stay up to date on the latest advancements in the field, coming right from the leading voices of the industry. Here are 10 of our favorite picks -
5 min read
Overview of Natural Language Generation (NLG)
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:18:30 AM
NLG (Natural Language Generation), a subfield of Artificial Intelligence, is a hot topic in the technology news today. We hear a lot about AI that can soon replace writers and journalists beginning the era of machine creativity. But, what’s all this fuss about? In this article, we unveil what NLG really is and show that it can bring a lot of benefits to businesses and consumers.
3 min read
AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: What's the Difference?
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:17:55 AM
When Deepmind’s AlphaGo won 4 out of 5 matches against the then Go Champion Lee Se-dol, the entire world took notice. Heralded as a triumph for Artificial Intelligence, this moment was an important step towards making sophisticated AI powered machines a reality.
8 min read
K-Means Clustering: All You Need to Know
By Uday Keith on Aug 17, 2020 5:16:04 AM
In machine learning, we are often in the realm of “function approximation”. That is, we have a certain ground-truth (y) and associated variables (X) and our aim is to use identify a function to wrap our variables in that does a good job in approximating the ground-truth. This exercise in function approximation is also known as “supervised-learning”.
3 min read
Data Scientist Interview: A Perspective On Artificial Intelligence
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:15:26 AM
Recently HealthTech Women, a national non-profit, sat down with our Data Science instructor, Lesley Cordero to get an inside look at Artificial Intelligence, or, "AI" and how it is impacting society, particularly in healthcare and medicine. Lesley provides her perspective in this interview in addition to a more general understanding of AI and related concepts such as machine learning, natural language processing and big data.
4 min read
A Beginner's Guide to Deep Learning
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:15:02 AM
As long as there has been Science Fiction, the idea that machines are smarter than humans has always captivated our collective imagination. But while Artificial Intelligence (AI) has not reached that level yet, we have made considerable advances towards developing machine intelligence, as evidenced by Google, Tesla, and Uber experimenting with self-driven cars. The reason why AI has successfully burst out of universities and research labs into product is largely due to the scalability and usefulness of Deep Learning, the Machine Learning technique making this technological progress possible.
6 min read
Why is learning to code so hard?
By Jeff Maxim on Aug 17, 2020 5:13:32 AM
Our instructor Jeff is also an author, here are some tips from his blog, a great coding resource:
As an instructor at Byte Academy, a high school AP computer science teacher, and a former middle school teacher, I’ve worked with countless beginning computer programmers. I’ve been there for everyone - from 10-year-old kids to adult career changers - while they write their first “Hello, World!” programs in languages like Python, JavaScript, C, PHP, Ruby, and even with MIT’s cool Scratch.
- Learning to code is no more difficult than learning anything else because all skills have a similarly high mastery point.
- Learning to code seems harder than learning other stuff because it has a higher barrier to entry.
- There’s proven strategies you can use to make this barrier to entry less intimidating.
3 min read
Blockchain - used for medicine, theme parks and ticketing?
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:12:58 AM
*Exclusive interview from Peter Shiau, CEO and CoFounder of
2 min read
Blockchain Backtrack: Spread of Cryptocurrency
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:12:29 AM
The advent of cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, has seen widespread and rapid use to the point where high-profile companies are beginning to take an interest by allowing electronic currency to be used for their transactions.
Blockchain, which was developed alongside Bitcoin, revolutionized this field by acting as a sort of ledger that records every transaction and storing this information on a global network, preventing the tampering of digital currency and building security and trust between Blockchain and its users, making it an increasingly popular method of electronic payment. Below learn more from news excerpts. For more blockchain education, check out Byte Academy's course.
24 min read
Coding Exercise: Build Tetris in Python using Pygame
By Sanoj Mathew on Aug 17, 2020 5:12:00 AM
Apply for Byte Academy's Coding Bootcamp with ISA options
pygame is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library. Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. Like SDL, pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Millions of people have downloaded pygame itself, which is a whole lot of bits flying across the interwebs.
2 min read
Coding for Financial Independence
By Karina on Aug 17, 2020 5:10:59 AM
Millennials (and Generation Z), put down your iPhones and let us inspire you to code for financial independence..
1 in 4 young adults between the ages of 21 – 34 are dependent on their parents in some form, whether it may be rent, car insurance, etc. Having grown children dependent on their funds detracts them from saving for retirement, adding stress to their lives, according to an article on CNBC. |
Coding = Financial Independence.... Need Convincing?
1 min read
Women Coders in Tech? (Kick More Ass With Scholarships)
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:10:01 AM
In the 1940's more than half of programmers were women, yet, that proportion hovers around 25% today, with many studies finding that the actual percentage of women is closer to 10% - 20%. When big tech companies revealed how few of their female employees worked in programming jobs in 2014, Google had some of the highest rates - 17% of technical roles were occupied by women.
3 min read
From Concept to Company – 5 Tips for Every Entrepreneur
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:09:31 AM
Taking the decision to start your own venture is never easy. But once you overcome your initial hesitation and take the plunge, your life will take a turn for the better. Here are our 5 tips for every aspiring entrepreneur to keep in mind as they embark on this journey.
2 min read
The 5 Hottest Topics in FinTech in India
By saloni samant on Aug 17, 2020 5:08:54 AM
As you might have heard, we have just recently found our way into the Silicon Valley of India, a.k.a. Bangalore! Following our first foray into India this month, we thought there was no better time to touch upon the hottest topics in the realm of FinTech in the country.
2 min read
What Tools Are Spreading Usage of the Blockchain?
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:08:02 AM
Perhaps no other development is as well known for its “disruptive” nature than the blockchain, the digital, decentralized ledger behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that has held the spotlight over the past year. Banks all around the world are exploring the blockchain’s capabilities. It may significantly reduce overhead costs in the financial sector.
Some of the latest technologies which use the blockchain and increases its applications by developers were presented at FinDEVr, the FinTech for developers conference held in New York City at the end of this March. This was the first time that New York City was added to the FinDEVr roster after a long history of the conference being held in San Francisco in the fall. Especially considering the diminishing line dividing technology and Wall Street, it’s about time that the conference headed East...
2 min read
Teamwork: Know Your Crew On The First Day of Bootcamp
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:05:47 AM
Byte Academy’s welcome breakfast for its new cohort the Traders became a bonding session with the inaugural integration of Know Your Crew, a mobile app which uses creative questions to connect groups. Over bagels, fruit and coffee, the Traders, instructors and staff filled in the blanks to questions such as “my biggest pet peeve is______.” By doing so, students gained valuable insight into people that they would spend the next three months with. The Traders also had an opportunity to get a heads up on Byte Academy team members as they watched them answer questions regarding each other such as “who is the most likely to give unsolicited advice?” Of course that and all answers remain confidential ...
2 min read
5 Things Employers Look for in a Graduate
By saloni samant on Aug 17, 2020 4:58:54 AM
Looking for a job after graduation? With more and more students graduating every year, employers have a huge choice when it comes to selecting the most highly skilled and qualified candidates. Therefore it is imperative to gain an edge and beat the competition to get your dream first job. We list out 5 things employers are on the look-out for when hiring graduates.
4 min read
A Banker's Guide To Winning His First Hackathon
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:54:50 AM
Hackathons aren't all about glasses, geeks, pocket-protectors, and Red Bull, although such stereotypes may turn off many from entering them...
4 min read
A Beginner's Guide to Python Web Frameworks
By lakshmi b on Aug 17, 2020 4:53:31 AM
A web framework is a collection of packages or modules which allow developers to write web applications or services quickly, without getting into the details of network protocols or network socket programming. Web frameworks encapsulate what developers have learned over the past 20 years while programming sites and applications for the web. Frameworks make it easier to reuse code for common HTTP operations and structure the projects so that other developers can quickly build the projects with the knowledge of the same framework.
7 min read
A Bootcamp Grad Perspective: Hiring Process And The Job Market
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:51:43 AM
Below we interview Liz, a fullstack engineer, and coding bootcamp grad. Liz works at fintech company Fabric, where she is one of four bootcamp graduates on their nine-person engineering team! Below, Liz shares her experience and provides career tips and insight including regarding employer perception of bootcamp grads and salary negotiations.
2 min read
Singapore FinTech Festival Coverage: Hackathon & Learning Bytes
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:49:33 AM
Don't have FOMO. Check out our Singapore FinTech Festival coverage:
We were honored to partner with the Monetary Authority of Singapore on their first week-long global Singapore FinTech Festival in November which coincided with our Singapore campus opening. The Festival attracted more than 11,000 from all over the world.
3 min read
Fireside Chat w/Vikram Pandit - Editor-In-Chief @ Finance Disrupted
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:48:59 AM
No, we did not learn his presidential preferences (although that was a pressing topic). Vikram Pandit, the former CEO of Citigroup Inc. was a guest speaker at the Economist’s Finance Disrupted (#FinanceDisrupted) conference recently in New York City put on by Economist Events (great job Stephanie and Maria) The theme, “Collaborate or Die,” featured fireside chats with leading FinTech experts on topics such as blockchain, financial inclusion, insurance and more. The Economist news desk Editor-In-Chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, chatted with Pandit in the late afternoon. In attempts to make this coverage “hot off the press” before the conference ends (!)
Here are some quick interesting bits we learned:
- Vikram still takes taxis (revealed during discussion of the different business models of Uber vs. taxi medallions)
- And, maybe older than we think (guess it’s those genes): He still remembers when Mosaic (?!) was around (sharing this while making the point that FinTech is in early stages)
- He loves Singapore (the moderator brought this up after he mentioned the country 3x) Why? Government policy towards regulation (Byte Academy loves Singapore too :)
- He does not like picking banking partners: Moderator: “Who you would pick as a partner with if you were back in banking?” Vikram: “Thank G-d I don’t have to make that decision.”
Overall Vikram was a diplomat avoiding the moderator’s attempts to extract a true opinion (for instance, he avoided her question “does the US suck with regulation?")
Stay tuned for a more extensive follow-up on the Economist’s FinTech Disrupted conference…

Liked what you read? Checkout Byte Academy's Software Development and Intro to Python courses.
3 min read
Behind the Bar: Observations from a Hackathon Newbie & Bartender
By Karina on Aug 17, 2020 4:46:00 AM
Being a hackathon newbie until this weekend, I had always imagined hackathons as a room filled with glasses wearing programming nerds. Bartending my first, I realized that they are fun, bonding experiences filled with innovation and networking opportunities.
I served as bartender of the “Byte Bar” which was sponsored by Byte Academy, the coding bootcamp that partnered with StartupBootcamp FinTech, a global accelerator, on the event. This was StartupBootcamp’s first hackathon in the United States and appropriately called FinTech City Never Sleeps. Developers, VCs, designers, and more from across industries came together to solve some of the greatest challenges in financial technology. Categories of challenges included Financial Trust, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Financial Inclusion, and Target Niche Banking. Technology, energy drinks, banks and companies from around the world sponsored the event, even providing beer openers (thank you Xignite for making my life easier…)

Aside from the enrollees, comedians, industry experts, volunteers and business minds contributed to the 24 hour event. Cody Hess, a coding instructor, MC’ed the orchestration. His programming jokes still make me laugh..
3 min read
12 min read
How to Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality
By Khaing Win on Aug 17, 2020 4:18:07 AM
Dimensionality reduction is an important technique to overcome the curse of dimensionality in data science and machine learning. As the number of predictors (or dimensions or features) in the dataset increase, it becomes computationally more expensive (ie. increased storage space, longer computation time) and exponentially more difficult to produce accurate predictions in classification or regression models. Moreover, it is hard to wrap our head around to visualize the data points in more than 3 dimensions.
3 min read
Big Data, Machine Learning and Other Themes From Finovate Europe
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:16:30 AM
In early February, Finovate Europe, a sold-out, two-day conference in London brought together more than 1500 on a guest list composed of the “who’s who in FinTech” – VC’s, founders, press and more. The conference is perhaps only surpassed in size by its original, Finovate Fall in New York. Products were launched by 70 companies from around the world - both startups and larger veterans. However, no matter what the size or founder's native language, a few themes were common. These included personalization, big data, machine learning and white labeling. Some even indicated a shift from Finovate Fall a few months prior.
4 min read
Python vs R. Which language should you choose?
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 4:15:22 AM
Data science is an interdisciplinary field where scientific techniques from statistics, mathematics, and computer science are used to analyze data and solve problems more accurately and effectively. It is no wonder, then, that languages such as R and Python, with their extensive packages and libraries that support statistical methods and machine learning algorithms are cornerstones of the data science revolution. Often times, beginners find it hard to decide which language to learn first. This guide will help you make that decision.
1 min read
Preparing For Facebook's Data Science Interview
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 4:13:02 AM
Read on how to prepare and ace the Data Science interview from our Data Scientist, Lesley Cordero. Lesley describes her experience taking the technical test at leading tech companies, including Facebook and Foursquare.
3 min read
Interpreting and Visualizing AutoCorrelation
By Byte on Aug 14, 2020 9:08:34 AM
By Jithin J and Karthik Ravindra, Byte Academy
2 min read
How to Ride the Big Data Wave in 2017
By Byte on Aug 14, 2020 9:05:18 AM
Due to an exponential increase in data in the 21st century, a new term "Big Data" was coined few years back.
Our Blockchain Bootcamp in Bloomberg
By Byte on Aug 14, 2020 9:04:25 AM
Bloomberg has a great article on rising demand of blockchain developers and the lack of supply. Our course starts on October 25th, Apply now or contact us to find out more about the course.
5 min read
Student Interview: Coding Bootcamp to Data Integration Engineer
By Emily on Aug 14, 2020 8:54:02 AM
Nathaniel - "Nat" - Greenwald, a statistics major in his twenties, decided to break into data science by enrolling in Byte Academy coding bootcamp. Nat now has an exciting career working as a data integration engineer in the AdTech industry. Read about Nat's personal experience learning to code in addition to his career tips and advice to those who may want to follow in his footsteps.
5 min read
How I Won My First Blockchain Hackathon: Newbie Hacker's Guide
By Emily on Aug 14, 2020 8:50:20 AM
Below we interview Gabby, a former Wealth Planning Analyst who enrolled in Byte Academy’s Intro To Python program. Although he could not persuade his classmates, Gabby signed up for his first hackathon - the Linnia Protocol Blockchain Hackathon run by Consensys, one of the leading companies in the blockchain space. Gabby both won the hack and advanced his career. Read how he did it:
4 min read
An Overview of India's Current Banking Landscape
By saloni samant on Aug 12, 2020 9:27:20 AM
Guest post by Arvind Padmanabhan, from Indian Engineering Design Forum, who attended our event this week on "Demonetization and its impact on FinTech and Digital Payments" in Bangalore.
4 min read
Which Country Will Lead The FinTech Revolution?
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:27:08 AM
Collaboration maybe a manifestation of competition. Hong Kong, Singapore and China race to lead the FinTech revolution. Passionate debate at Hong Kong FinTech Breakfast Briefing and The Economist #FinanceDisrupted conference
Singapore FinTech Festival
In April the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore announced that Singapore would hold its inaugural FinTech Festival in November. He made the announcement regarding the week-long global event in New York City.

Hong Kong FinTech Week
Invest Hong Kong announced on September 21st that it would be holding its first “FinTech Week.” This will kick off with Finovate and end a couple days before the Singapore event. Although both Singapore and Hong Kong may say that the current atmosphere is collaborative, the FinTech event race suggests competition. This has been true historically for both countries.

Hong Kong Breakfast Briefing speakers hinted at current competition when they pointed out that Hong Kong did not need to provide large subsidies to encourage companies to innovate in the country. However, Singapore “has to.”
Will China Win The FinTech Revolution?
The sense of competition thickened the next day at The Economist’s Finance Disrupted event. The theme of the day long conference, “collaborate or die” attracted a few hundred attendees paying $2200 per ticket. Viewpoints during the afternoon's Oxford style debate, “the house believes that China will win the FinTech revolution” suggested that China's domination relied heavily on mobilizing its peoples' technology and other professional skills.
Other views suggested that China is separated from global financial power players and has a long journey to advance. One of the supports for this: although the largest banks are in China the most powerful citizens don’t trust these banks. Instead, they go to American banks such as Goldman Sachs.

Other interesting points brought up that day? The Economist used to be banned in Singapore but now it is allowed. The government has relaxed its regulatory measures too. Global leaders such as Vikram Pandit, former CEO Citigroup Inc. pointed this out as reasoning for his faith in Singapore FinTech.

3 min read
Validating Form Input With Django
By Jeff Maxim on Aug 12, 2020 9:26:56 AM
Let’s say I’m making a blogging web application using Python and the web framework, Django. I want users to be able to publish “Posts” on my blogging website.
When they enter that “Post” into some sort of input form that I have on my website, I want to check the “Post” before I save it to my database.
This is a common scenario for many Django developers. How do we validate form data before we save it to a database?
There’s two common ways to do it: Either validate the Model or validate the Form.
Django has Forms and Models. Very basically, Forms are where users input data on a web application, and Models and where I actually save my information in my program.
Let’s look first at how to validate the Model:
3 min read
Engineering Your Job Search
By Byte on Aug 12, 2020 9:26:42 AM
If you’ve been keeping up with technology news, you’ve likely come across one or two articles recently about developer salary. There are some strong opinions out there.
1 min read
Byte Academy's MedTech Program
By Byte on Aug 12, 2020 9:26:32 AM
Learn to Code for the Medical Industry With New York City’s first MedTech Program!
Also a score for diversity as one of NYC’s top female engineers spearheads it
Byte Academy, the first programming school to teach FinTech (Financial Technology), expands course offerings by launching the first MedTech (Medical Technology) bootcamp in New York City. Curriculum will emphasize project-based learning that prepares students for careers in the MedTech and HealthTech (Healthcare Technology) fields.
2 min read
Byte's Top Four Fall (Indoor) Activities
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:26:19 AM
While it may still be warm enough to turn over those hamburgers on the grill, the days are getting shorter, clothes are getting darker; and, although we may resist it, fall is here. We will soon be spending more time indoors and our extracurricular activities will also be making the switch. So, how do we keep ourselves stimulated and occupied (without the sun, sand and water)?
7 min read
Primer: Python First Class Functions and Decorators
By lakshmi b on Aug 12, 2020 9:26:02 AM
Python functions are a lot more flexible than you would think. They are much more than just code generation specifications for a compiler. They are full-blown objects stored in pieces of memory as such that they can be freely passed around a program and called indirectly. They also support operations that have little to do with calls at all like Attribute storage and Annotation.
3 min read
Blockchain FAQ #1: What is a fork in the Blockchain?
By Byte on Aug 12, 2020 9:25:16 AM
In the standard software industry parlance, a software fork is just a copy of an existing project. Considering the current pre-eminence of open-source software development, a software fork can very often be carried out without explicit permission from the developer of the original project. In case of the blockchain, it is different. A blockchain fork is when a blockchain splits into two separate chains.
1 min read
Are We In A Cryptocurrency Bubble?
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:13:06 AM
Recently Matt Gertler, cryptocurrency attorney at Digital Asset Research answered a big question on many minds recently: are we in a cryptocurrency bubble? Particularly with the rise of ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and China's recent ban on them, this has been on many minds recently.
1 min read
Finovate History - Behind One of The Largest FinTech Conferences
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:12:51 AM
Finovate 2015, one of the world’s largest FinTech gatherings, was held mid September in New York City, the same city where the conference was first held in 2007. For 2 days, 1500 innovators gathered at this demo-focused conference series focused on showcasing the best and most innovative new financial and banking technologies. Like in past years, Finovate attracted a high-impact audience of senior financial and banking executives. In addition to New York, the event takes place in different locations around the world throughout the year including San Francisco, London and Singapore. The 24 events over the years have attracted more than 16,000 attendees.
1 min read
No Computer Science Degree But Want To Enter the Tech Industry?
By Byte on Aug 12, 2020 9:12:30 AM
A common question people have with regards to breaking into the tech sphere is if a Computer Science degree is necessary to do so. Data Scientist, Lesley Cordero, delves into this question while simultaneously making an important distinction between the desire to manage a tech company and the desire to program for such a company.
3 min read
Inside Bitcoin & Blockchain - By the Founder of a Bitcoin Wallet
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:11:25 AM
Bitcoin and blockchain, the digital ledger used for bitcoin, have been headlining news. Bitcoin, once associated with illicit online transactions, is being recognized by big banks. Just this week State Street, one of the oldest banks in the US, made headlines as it set up its own innovation lab to deal with blockchain technology. JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, with more banks to come, backed R3, a blockchain consortium. To understand Bitcoin, blockchain and the crypto future we sat down with Tim Lee, founder of ArcBit bitcoin wallet, who has been dealing with the blockchain much earlier before the general public, or even large banks, heard about the Bitcoin or its digital ledger. Tim comes from the start-up background - similar to the Bitcoin and blockchain founders and disruptors. Byte Academy is excited to announce that Tim Lee will be doing a blockchain workshop October 16 in addition to other part-time classes.
2 min read
Event Coverage: FinDEVr 2017 New York
By sarah m on Aug 12, 2020 9:11:08 AM
On March 22, Byte Academy partnered again with Finovate Group on the second annual FinDEVr New York. The conference, which is part of THE FinTech for developers event series, had been held solely on the West coast for years before its 2016 New York launch. Participating companies showcased new tools, platforms, APIs and/or case studies designed to help developers create better, more efficient innovations. Last year FinDEVr was held for one day. At two days, the conference was longer and larger - an indication that the FinTech developer community in New York is booming strong.
1 min read
Top Five Reasons To Learn Python
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:11:04 AM
We chose Python as the core language of our curriculum (and hope that you choose to learn it). In addition to it being the highest paid coding language for recent coding bootcamp grads according to Course Report, Python has many other unique, strong qualities. Oh, and did we mention that the language is actually named after the movie Monty Python, a favorite of the Dutch founder? For more check out our Python program
3 min read
Quant Traders: Real Rocket Scientists? Magic? Rulers Of Wall Street
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:06:45 AM
Known as the “the Rocket Scientists of Wall Street” (as initially labeled by Investopedia) Quant traders or analysts - "Quants" - maybe understandingly intimidating to many. However, as their returns increase, more are becoming aware of their power. Quants are a specialized set that cannot be ignored…
8 min read
Data Analysis: Smart Phones & Other Trends In Will Creation
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:05:22 AM
Writing a last will and testament is not usually an activity associated with millennials. However, young people are thinking differently about protecting their families, and, in turn are "disrupting" the will industry like many others. And in doing so, they are dragging Gen Xers and Baby Boomers along with them.
1 min read
Student Interview: From Aerospace To Blockchain CTO
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:05:09 AM
Meet recent grad Stephane Gallet, whose background includes founding a travel company (based in Brazil) and aerospace. Even before graduating Byte's immersive blockchain bootcamp program, Stephane was offered a role as Chief Technology Officer (CTO)/ VP Engineering at one of New York City's leading blockchain startups where he currently is loving his job. (He even stops by to visit and collaborate with the team from his Alma Mater).
2 min read
Byte Wellness: 5 Relaxation Tips For Fall
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 9:00:01 AM
We are excited to have Elena Beloff, top rated New York Post and ABC Good Morning America corporate wellness coach (and hypnotist) team up with Byte's Wellness Program for a meditation session and intro to hypnosis on on the first day of October.
4 min read
Blockchain set to transform Industries
By Kiran Datar on Aug 12, 2020 8:58:57 AM
Blockchain technology is commonly misconstrued as being applicable only for cryptocurrencies. As a secure, immutable ledger technology, blockchain can be applied to many use cases in several industries. The very nature of blockchain makes it a secure application for use in transfer of value or as storehouses of critical information. Because of its flexibility, the finance industry is already looking at other use cases for blockchain, one of them being online payments. The transparency and simplicity of blockchain makes it easy for anyone with an internet connection to transfer and receive funds without having to pay exorbitant amounts in banking fees.
5 min read
How To Choose The Right Tech Stack For You
By Emily on Aug 12, 2020 8:58:33 AM
Written by Byte Academy student, Jason Pruski
2 min read
How to Break Into Machine Learning
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 7:12:15 AM
Everyone seems to be intrigued by Machine Learning, which has become a "buzz word" lately. Although intimidating, you can certainly break into the field, or learn more about another phrase we hear a lot, Natural Language Processing. Read some tips and background from Data Scientist, Lesley Cordero, who teaches our Data Science course. Lesley also teaches a class in machine learning for those interested in the particular area.
4 min read
Crypto Exchanges: What's The Difference/Which Should I Pick?
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 7:11:18 AM
With the increasing number of cryptocurrencies available nowadays, it’s the right time to look at how to trade in cryptocurrencies. We start with examining your potential objectives, and from thereon, we look at the various factors you should consider before choosing the right trading platform. We also list prominent cryptocurrency exchanges, along with their pros and cons.
7 min read
Blockless Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) & IoT
By Emily on Aug 6, 2020 7:10:47 AM
We interviewed Kevin Chen, who left his role from Wall Street upon realizing that blockchain technology could disrupt his career there, and decided to make this switch before that happens. He is now the Founder and Head of the IOTA Evangelist Network (IEN) which spreads awareness of “blockless” (non-blockchain) digital ledger technology (DLT), particularly IOTA’s Tangle protocol (some may also be familiar with IOTA’s native cryptocurrency that reached as high as $15 billion in market cap and top 5 of all cryptocurrencies late last year ).
1 min read
Top Five Reasons To Fall In Love With Programming
By Emily on Aug 6, 2020 6:59:25 AM
This Valentine's Day we want to express our love for programming - we've narrowed it to our top five. We are particularly passionate for Python, the coding language which our full-stack curriculum emphasizes. It's also used heavily in the data sciences, one of our courses we feel tingly about. Maybe once you learn some more about programming, you'll fall in love too.
6 min read
Intro to SQLite3 With Python's Flask
By Jeff Maxim on Aug 6, 2020 6:55:42 AM
Our new instructor Jeff is also an author, here are some tips from his blog, a great coding resource:
I’ve got a URL shortening website like Bitly that allows you to submit a link, then gives you a new, hopefully shorter url to use for that link. I built it with Python and the Flask microframework.
Right now, a user enters a URL at my flask app, such as “”. My python code will generate a random key for that site, such as “98rDv64O”. It will store both the original URL and the key in a python dictionary like so:
<span class="s1">my_links[""] = "98rDv64O"</span>
So that I’ve got an entry in the my_links dictionary that looks like this:
<span class="s1">{'': '98rDv64O'}</span>
This code allows me to redirect a user from herokuapp to .
The problem here is that this dictionary only lives in the local memory of my machine while my app is running. As soon as I restart my server, that whole dictionary and all my links and keys gets deleted.
The solution is to implement a database.
4 min read
Artificial Intelligence: Where did it come from? Where is it going?
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 6:30:06 AM
1 min read
The Latest FinTech Innovations For Millennials
By Emily on Aug 6, 2020 6:28:59 AM
“We’re from Reno, Nevada - we love games like this.”
2 min read
Coding Bootcamp Alumni Survey
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 6:28:20 AM
Course Report, a leader in coding bootcamp information, recently published its 2015 Course Report Outcomes and Demographics Study survey of recent alumni. National publications such as Forbes and Business Insider have been picking up the news. Here’s our take on a few items, two in each category.
1 min read
Computational Science 101
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 6:23:21 AM
Read tips from Byte's Data Scientist, Lesley Cordero, regarding how to get started in computational science.
1 min read
Behind The Future of Work
By Emily on Aug 6, 2020 6:21:00 AM
LiquidTalent, a job matching platform focused on tech officially launched last week after gaining a significant presence in its home, New York City. “Liquid Talent,” is an industry buzz word for intensive on the job training and refers to the opportunities to broaden employee skill sets and work on client business in different geographies and across disciplines. LiquidTalent’s job platform matches candidates – talent - to hirers based on actual projects, rather than resumes. The significance of school GPA? “Not important,” says CEO and Co-Founder Alex Abelin, “we really want to see the actual work you have done and what you can do.” Alex had been at Google many years before launching his company.
2 min read
Blockchain Developers are in High Demand: Are you Ready?
By Kiran Datar on Aug 6, 2020 6:18:30 AM
Blockchain has emerged as the next big thing in highly paid IT careers with the demand increasing almost 2000% according to Upwork (global freelancing platform). From a part time passion project to the hottest skill in demand - blockchain technology has come a long way. Blockchain distributed ledger system is proving to be effective in securely storing records of transactions and industries from finance to medicine to agriculture are moving quickly to integrate the technology into their services and systems.
9 min read
Visualizing Time Series Data of Stock Prices
By Khaing Win on Aug 6, 2020 6:14:51 AM
Apply for Byte Academy's Coding Bootcamp with ISA options
Time series data, simply put, is a set of data points collected at regular time intervals. We encounter time series data every day in our lives - stock prices, real estate market prices, energy usage at our homes and so on. So why should we care about this data? Because understanding time series data, especially of stock prices, could help you to be on a path to make $$$.
4 min read
How the Banking Sector Can Combat Cyber Attacks: A Checklist
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 5:29:49 AM
Apply for Byte Academy's Coding Bootcamp with ISA options
It is no secret that Cyber Crime is only escalating in this day and age. In fact, in 2016, it was reported that 54% of organizations have been hit with cyber crime in the last two years. As one can imagine, the banking sector is considered as one of the most vulnerable as far as cyber crime is concerned.
3 min read
Blockchain: the future of tech or just another Dotcom bubble?
By Byte on Aug 6, 2020 5:27:42 AM
Those who’ve heard of blockchain technology at all will likely associate it with Bitcoin, the decentralized, internationally traded ‘cryptocurrency’ which made headlines across the globe back in March when the value of a single ‘bitcoin’ surpassed that of an ounce of gold. For those who don’t know, bitcoins are digital, nonphysical ‘coins’ which can be used to buy goods and services online. The trading of these bitcoins, along with all other cryptocurrencies (of which there are many), is underpinned by a database protocol called blockchain.
2 min read
Fashion Tech Meets FinTech (An NYC Fashion Week Special)
By Emily on Aug 6, 2020 4:52:10 AM
Byte Academy coding bootcamp and Felix Gray eyewear kicked off a collaboration and demo for campus "Fashion Tech Week" paralleling New York Fashion Week in mid February. Although Felix Gray is only in soft launch, participating Byte Academy students and community members received free Felix Gray glasses for a demo period concluding Friday, February 26. The glasses have filtering technology which block blue light and reduces eyestrain. Upon conclusion, Felix Gray will talk to Byte students and community members answering questions on the product, the technology behind it, and what startup life is like.
4 min read
FinTech Future: Banks and Startup Alliances In Ten Years
By Byte on Apr 20, 2016 10:50:33 AM
Here's a piece that caught our eye by Eyal Lifshitz as originally published in TechCrunch ...
Banking as we know it is in the midst of its first fundamental remaking in centuries. What’s driving this transformation? Two major shifts: our transition to interacting with money digitally instead of physically, which opened finances to tech disruption, and a tech wave that has changed the way consumers define ease and convenience.
In just 10 years, we can expect banks (and other financial institutions) to look, from the outside, like a vastly different organization: a technology startup. That doesn’t mean branches will offer nap pods and catered lunches; rather, your bank will have placed newfound emphasis on the design and customer experience paradigm that has changed while retail banking has been playing catch-up.